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Hi There. My name is Korkie the Yorkie. I'm the good looking stud on the left and my pretty wife, Kricket is beside me. I am 6 years old and Kricket is 4 so she's practically a child bride. Although we don't look it from this picture we are rather small weighing 5 pounds and 3 pounds.

Our mom and dad got us that bed over there for us to sleep in but as you can see we would rather store our toys in it and sleep where ever we want. What were they thinking? We're not dogs, you know.

We have the run of the house and a beautiful, fenced in yard out back. Our dad put a doggy door in for us that we use but I'd prefer to bark and have him open the human door for me. It's much more refined, don't you think? I must keep up appearances. Kricket on the other hand always acts prissy. She's even afraid of thunder. What a sissy she is. I have tried to tell her that the thunder won't hurt her but all she wants to do is cower in mom's lap.

We love to chase squirrels in the back yard but they think they're so smart. All they do is stay in the tree and chatter at us and dare us to get them. Those darn squirrels make me so mad.

Kricket and I go to the groomer every 6 weeks and I must say that I'm not very fond of it but everyone says how nice we look when we get home. I usually get this very masculine bandana around my neck and Kricket gets little pigtails with bows in her hair to match my bandana. They usually spray this
foo-foo stuff on us to make us smell good. I think that's a matter of opinion though. When mom and dad aren't looking, I go outside and roll around in the grass to get that small off of me.

Mom took us to get our pictures taken... you know, it's like going to Glamour Shots except it's for dogs. Anyway here is the picture of Kricket that I'd carry around in my wallet.... if I had a wallet.

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